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SIP Workshop on the 1st of July 2024

SIP Workshop on the 1st of July 2024

This SIP Workshop united all participants and marked the beginning of the current project step: Sustainability Innovation Projects (SIPs)!

Throwback to our SIP Workshop which took place on the 1st of July!💚 This Workshop marked the beginning of the current project step: Sustainability Innovation Projects (SIPs) - we are excited for your SIP ideas!💡

In this Workshop the project step of Sustainability Innovation Projects (SIPs) was presented, including the following topics:

  • What are SIPs?
  • How can we work together with other participants?
  • What are topics of SIPs?
  • What is the timeline for the project step of the SIPs?
  • What are Clusters? Which Cluster am I in?
  • an many more!

#ETSM2030 #SustainabilityInnovationProjects

author: Marina Farbmacher

published on Tuesday, 02 July 2024

<span style="color:#403d4c">The kick-off Meeting of our "European Tourism Sustainability Monitoring 2030" project - <span style="color:teal">ETSM2030</span><span style="color:#403d4c">.

The kick-off Meeting of our "European Tourism Sustainability Monitoring 2030" project - ETSM2030.

The "European Tourism Sustainability Monitoring 2030" project (ETSM2030) is a big chance for all sustainable working SMTEs and all who want to get greener! ETSM2030 is part of the Small Market Programme of the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA)

author: ETSM 2030

publishing date: 23 05 2023

<span style="color:#000000"></span>Webinar ETSM2030 - Our Information and Your Questions

Webinar ETSM2030 - Our Information and Your Questions

ETSM2030? ETSM2030! We are organizing a webinar in each language of the participating countries - to explain ETSM2030 better and address your questions! Join our non-binding and of course free webinar and take your chance to be part of the tourism of tomorrow. Get informed about ETSM2030. We are looking forward to welcoming you!

author: Marina Farbmacher

publishing date: 11 06 2023

2nd Webinar: Information and Questions about ETSM2030 19<span style="color:#000000"></span>.06.2023

2nd Webinar: Information and Questions about ETSM2030 19.06.2023

For those german-speaking interested companies who had no chance to participate in the first Webinar about ETSM, which took place on the 13th of June, we organized a second one. We want to invite every interested SMTE and also the ones participating in our first Webinar if they have open questions about ETSM2030. We are looking forward to seeing you there!

author: Marina Farbmacher

publishing date: 13 06 2023

<span style="color:#000000"></span>Polskojęzyczne webinarium ETSM2030 21.06.2023

Polskojęzyczne webinarium ETSM2030 21.06.2023

​Zapraszamy przedsiębiorców turystycznych z sektora MŚP do udziału w webinarium informacyjnym poświęconym projektowi ETSM2030. Program ma na celu zwiększenie kompetencji firm turystycznych w zakresie raportowania zrównoważonego rozwoju, wzmocnienie innowacyjności oraz integrację międzynarodową. W jego ramach przedsiębiorstwa będą mogły stworzyć innowacyjne rozwiązania w zakresie monitorowania ekorozwoju. Uzyskają także pomoc w pozyskaniu i finansowaniu certyfikatów (w szczególności EU Ecolabel i EMAS). Spotkanie jest przeznaczone dla przedsiębiorstw turystycznych z sektora MŚP.

author: Marina Farbmacher

publishing date: 20 06 2023

<span style="color:#403d4c"><span style="color:teal">Webinar proiect ETSM2030 în limba română.</span><span style="color:#403d4c"> Joi, 22 iunie 2023, ora 12.30, platforma Zoom!

Webinar proiect ETSM2030 în limba română. Joi, 22 iunie 2023, ora 12.30, platforma Zoom!

Detalii și răspunsuri la întrebări despre procesul de aplicare și implementarea activităților din cadrul proiectului.

author: ETSM 2030

publishing date: 20 06 2023

<span style="color:#000000"></span>Step 3 - Assessment of the Status Quo has just started!

Step 3 - Assessment of the Status Quo has just started!

In this project step, we collect the needs of the participating companies by means of questionnaires and interviews. In addition to exciting discussions and interesting input.

author: ETSM 2030

publishing date: 25 08 2023

Throwback to our Online SMTE-Kick-Off Meeting on 20th of November 202<span style="color:#000000"></span>3

Throwback to our Online SMTE-Kick-Off Meeting on 20th of November 2023

A big thanks so all participating SMTEs and the interesting exchange! Thank you for making ETSM2030 to the unique, innovative and exchange based project, whit it aims to be!

author: Marina Farbmacher

publishing date: 27 01 2024

<span style="color:#403d4c">ETSM2030 Newsletter <span style="color:teal">- Edition 1, January 2024</span><span style="color:#403d4c">

ETSM2030 Newsletter - Edition 1, January 2024

The first newsletter of the "European Tourism Sustainability Monitoring 2030" project is now available, with important information about the project and further project steps.

author: ETSM 2030

publishing date: 27 01 2024

Webinar OLAT Introductio<span style="color:#000000"></span>n

Webinar OLAT Introduction

We offer OLAT-Introduction in all participating languages! Join in to not miss out on important information!

author: Marina Farbmacher

publishing date: 03 02 2024

Results of the Sustainability Status Quo<span style="color:#000000"></span>

Results of the Sustainability Status Quo

We are pleased to share the results of the Sustainability Status Quo of our participants with you!

author: Marina Farbmacher

publishing date: 22 04 2024

Re-Opening of the ETSM2030 Call for German<span style="color:#000000"></span>y

Re-Opening of the ETSM2030 Call for Germany

We have one spot in our ETSM2030 project left for a motivated touristic SME from Germany! Apply now.

author: Marina Farbmacher

publishing date: 10 04 2024

<span style="color:#000000"></span>OLAT Webinar OLAT Two-factor Authentication & next steps for german-speaking participants

OLAT Webinar OLAT Two-factor Authentication & next steps for german-speaking participants

We are happy to inform you about the Webinar for our german-speaking participants, which takes place on the 7th of May from 13:00 until 14:30. In this Webinar we are tackling the two-factor authentication on OLAT as well as the current and next project steps. We are happy to see you there! For the non-german-speaking participants: stay tuned - there will be organized Webinars for all participants!💚🌱

author: Marina Farbmacher

publishing date: 17 04 2024

Step-by-Step Introduction to the OLAT 2-Factor Authenticatio<span style="color:#000000"></span>n

Step-by-Step Introduction to the OLAT 2-Factor Authentication

We help you to install the 2-Factor Authentication - together we can do it!

author: Marina Farbmacher

publishing date: 22 04 2024

<span style="color:#000000"></span>ETSM2030 Newsletter - Edition 2, April 2024

ETSM2030 Newsletter - Edition 2, April 2024

Find our Newsletter no. 2 with interesting project news, project steps and information around ETSM2030!

author: Rey Adrian Radu

publishing date: 07 05 2024

<span style="color:#000000"></span>ETSM2030 Best Practice Vortrag no. 1: René Föger (Hotel Der Stern), am 15 Mai 2024

ETSM2030 Best Practice Vortrag no. 1: René Föger (Hotel Der Stern), am 15 Mai 2024

Our first Best-Practice Speech!

author: Rey Adrian Radu

publishing date: 07 05 2024

The next steps in the ETSM2030 project<span style="color:#000000"></span>!

The next steps in the ETSM2030 project!

Find out more about the current project steps in the ETSM2030 project!

author: Rey Adrian Radu

publishing date: 07 05 2024

<span style="color:#000000"></span>OLAT Webinars for two Factor Authentication

OLAT Webinars for two Factor Authentication

OLAT Webinars for two Factor Authentication

author: Marina Farbmacher

publishing date: 05 06 2024

2nd Best Practice Speech of Lisa Resch from the Bio- & Bikehotel Steineggerhof (South Italy<span style="color:#000000"></span>)

2nd Best Practice Speech of Lisa Resch from the Bio- & Bikehotel Steineggerhof (South Italy)

author: Marina Farbmacher

publishing date: 02 07 2024

3rd Best Practice Speech from Gorazd Cad (Planet Positive Event) on 26th of June 202<span style="color:#000000"></span>4

3rd Best Practice Speech from Gorazd Cad (Planet Positive Event) on 26th of June 2024

author: Marina Farbmacher

publishing date: 02 07 2024

7th Consortium Meeting on the 1st of July 202<span style="color:#000000"></span>4

7th Consortium Meeting on the 1st of July 2024

author: Marina Farbmacher

publishing date: 02 07 2024

<span style="color:#000000"></span>New Project Step: Sustainability Innovation Projects (SIPs)

New Project Step: Sustainability Innovation Projects (SIPs)

We proudly announce to enter a new project step: Sustainability Innovation Projects (short: SIPs)!💚 In Sustainability Innovation Projects (SIPs) our participants work together cross-border to plan and implement innovative ideas in sustaianbility in their business. For example: A German SMTE could team up with one Polish and one Italian SMTE to organize measures to increase staff satisfaction. Stay tuned for more information about SIPs!💡 #ETSM2030 #sustainability

author: Marina Farbmacher

publishing date: 02 07 2024

4th Best Practice Speech by Pawel Wator representing the Eliksir Restauran<span style="color:#000000"></span>t

4th Best Practice Speech by Pawel Wator representing the Eliksir Restaurant

author: Marina Farbmacher

publishing date: 04 07 2024

<span style="color:#403d4c">5th Best Practice Speech with <span style="color:teal">Hotel Luise</span><span style="color:#403d4c">.

5th Best Practice Speech with Hotel Luise.

Best Practice Speech with Hotel Luise

author: Marina Farbmacher

publishing date: 30 09 2024

SIP-Workshop Part I<span style="color:#000000"></span>I

SIP-Workshop Part II

Save the Date: SIP-Workshop Part II

author: Marina Farbmacher

publishing date: 06 08 2024

Newsletter No.<span style="color:#000000"></span> 3

Newsletter No. 3

Here you can find our third newsletter!

author: Marina Farbmacher

publishing date: 27 08 2024

<span style="color:#403d4c">6th Best Practice Speech with the <span style="color:teal">Association for Ecotourism in Romania</span><span style="color:#403d4c">.

6th Best Practice Speech with the Association for Ecotourism in Romania.

Best Practice Speech with the Association of Ecotourism in Romania

author: ETSM 2030

publishing date: 30 09 2024


European Tourism Sustainability Management 2030

[email protected]

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