The Project Consortium consists of eight partners out of six different countries: Austria, Germany, Italy, Slovenia, Romania and Poland. The project partners combine science and practice: not only universities, but also Innsbruck Tourism as a Destination Management Organization (DMO) and experts in the field of sustainability in practice (EURAC and TourCert) are part of the ETSM2023 Consortium.

National Association for Mountains and Rural Development
RoMontana is the National Association for Mountains and Rural Development and it was established in 2000 as a multisectoral association or co-operation and development of the mountain areas in Romania.
Our mission is to promote living mountains, integrated and sustainable development and quality of life in mountains.
In order to achieve this, RoMontana facilitates the exchange of information and experience among these areas by organising events, by conducting and collaborating in studies, by developing, managing and participating in European projects and by working with the national and European institutions on mountain issues.
RoMontana has developed a wide national network of stakeholders and competences on developing policies for the mountain areas, facilitating tourism development, supporting mountain producers to organize and add value to their products and many other activities that contribute to the sustainable development of the mountain areas, in the rural and mountain communities, having experts among its personnell and established a wide range of partnerships with relevant stakeholders at national and international level.
RoMontana is also member of wider international networks such as the Mountain Partnership (FAO) and Euromontana - European association of mountain regions, that include SMEs, regional development agencies, local and national authorities, agriculture organisations, environmental agencies, forestry organisations and research institutes with the mission to promote living mountains, integrated and sustainable development and quality of life in mountain areas.

Radu – Adrian Rey
Team leader and sustainable development expert and researcher
Sustainability principles refer to the environmental, economic, and socio-cultural aspects of tourism development. A suitable balance must be established between these dimensions to guarantee its long-term sustainability and we need to be able to measure it.
Radu – Adrian Rey is sustainable development expert for rural and mountain areas, PhD student in economics with relevant experience in project management, involved in various national and international projects, with EU and non-EU sources of funding. He is associated researcher at the Mountain Economy Centre of the Romanian Academy and furthermore, he is tourism entrepreneur and involved in several national and international NGO’s promoting sustainable development in mountain regions, sustainable tourism and agriculture, environment protection and outdoor activities.

Andrei Coca
Sustainable and digital tourism expert and researcher
Tourism might be the most competitive economic sector and its sustainability, including financials, resides in emotions and experiences that craft the state of mind.
Andrei Coca is a technology consultant, tech transfer facilitator, young researcher, tourist guide, with comprehensive expertise working with SMEs, research teams and civil society actors. He has an analytical mindset and persuasive skills to facilitate co-creation of both concrete tasks and innovative approaches. He is a facilitator for development of technology transfer infrastructure and commercial exploitation of research. He is also a tourist guide on topics related to nature, history and civilization. Andrei is a mountain enthusiast and long-time experienced in working with mountain communities regarding sustainable tourism development issues.

Ionel Budăi
IT and tourism expert
Sustainable tourism practices must take full account of the current and future economic, social and environmental impacts, addressing the needs of visitors, the industry, the environment and host communities.
Ionel Budăi is IT consultant and webdeveloper, with a consistent background in tourism management. His interests include topics concerning sustainability and transformation, working close with RoMontana to develop and implement projects that target the tourism sector in the rural and mountain communitites of Romania.

Cătălin Apăvăloaie
Communication expert and IT consultant
Having an communication and IT background that is related to sustainability and tourism, I am very interested in the topic of the project and happy to be part of the team.
Cătălin Apăvăloaie is communication expert and also IT consultant, with a solid background in organizing events and educational activities that promote sustainable practices.